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AN OVERview of the Insulated Bulkhead 

An insulated bulkhead is a thermal barrier in a trailer, truck body or van that separates fresh, frozen or dry goods.  This allows multiple temperatures in one vehicle, or the reduction of cooled space to reduce energy consumption. FG Products has created and designed many different insulated bulkheads to accommodate to your needs.  From one-piece to three pieces; lightweight to load bearing; with a door, curtain or window; portable or on a track system, FG has the ability to make the product fit your requirements.

All of these insulated bulkheads are different in materials, sizes and usage. Read about each of them to find out what insulated bulkhead is best for you!


As concerns about Food Safety, Driver Safety, Fuel Consumption and Return on Investment rise, FG Products can offer proven solutions. Our Account Managers are the most experienced in the field, outfitting thousands of vehicles every year. Let them simplify the process, saving you time and effort.
Each component is traceable by serial number in our computer system for quick, precise information and communication.

FG Products is committed to continuous improvement in both Product Quality and Customer Service. Building long-lasting working partnerships is the ultimate goal.


FG Products is also a custom manufacturer, taking on many projects that others just can’t. If your operation has a specific need in perishable distribution, FG is the first place to look.


Our experience and technological abilities allow us to build each system to the highest quality standards.

industry studies